At Planet, we think bigger, work smarter, and perform better, constantly striving to uplift each other as we all journey upward.

Land here. Grow here.
At Planet Home Lending, we believe success starts from within, which is why we provide endless opportunities for our employees to thrive and grow with us. We do this with a positive work environment, dedicated guidance and growth paths that align with personal goals and aspirations.

Check out Brandon’s growth journey at Planet

Check out Brandon’s growth journey at Planet

Only the best
for the best.

We’re flattered.
Real testimonials from real Planet people.

We partner with organizations that share our sense of purpose. In four years, Planet Home Lending has funded the planting of more than a quarter million trees as a corporate sponsor of the National Forest Foundation. Our Farmlink Partners speed food that would otherwise go to waste to food banks feeding hungry Americans. LEARN MORE
A place where all
voices are valued.